Dollar Bin Bandits


It’s the Danny & Arie Show on “Dollar Bin Bandits”!

Not long ago, my friend Danny Fingeroth and I were both guests on the “Dollar Bin Bandits” podcast, where host Oren Phillips spoke to us about the history of Jews in the comic book industry. Danny and I are both experts on that topic (since we’ve both written books on it), and we had a wonderful time talking to Oren about the impact and legacy of legendary Jewish comic book creators like Will Eisner, Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby. I think it made for a really fun episode of “Dollar Bin Bandits.”

Oh, and did I mention that the episode is out NOW? Because it IS! You can check out the episode right this very minute, on YouTube and all podcast platforms. HERE is the YouTube (video) version.

And you can listen to the Apple Podcasts version of the episode HERE.



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