Leela Corman
Hello, everyone!!
Just wanted to share a few new developments with all of you:
My book “Masters of the Comic Book Universe Revealed!” (Chicago Review Press, Sept 2006) is in bookstores now! For Media Review Copies of “Masters of TCBUR!”: Send request to Sara Hoerdeman, Publicity Manager, Independent Publishers Group. sara@ipgbook.com
Speaking of “Masters of TCBUR!” thanks to everyone who attended the launch party on August 28th at the Museum of Comic & Cartoon Art (MoCCA). Thanks also to Jerry Robinson, Danny Fingeroth, R. Sikoryak, Eddy Friedfeld, Matt Murray, Ken Wong, Kyle Baker, and Liz Glass for their help in making the evening such a success! And for those who didn’t get a chance to attend, here’s an article about the event from the Aug 31 New York Sun: http://www.nysun.com/article/38915
“Masters of TCBUR!” interviewee Kyle Baker was nice enough to plug my book on his blog. His wife Liz Glass wrote some really nice things about “Masters…” on the blog and even included an excerpt from the book! Here’s the link: http://www.thebakersanimationcartoons.blogspot.com/
It can be found under the following date and title: “Saturday,October 21, 2006 Kyle Baker featured in Arie Kaplan’s MASTERS OF THE COMIC BOOK UNIVERSE REVEALED!”
And I’ll be doing a series of lectures/book signings from November4-8 as part of the exhibit “ZAP! POW! BAM! The Superhero: 1938-1950- The Golden Age of Comic Books” at the Janice Charach Epstein Gallery at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan.
I’ll also be lecturing as part of the center’s 55th Annual Jewish Book Fair. To promote the event, there’s an interview with me in last Wednesday’s Detroit Jewish News, where I talk about MAD, my new book, and an unrealized dream project called “LepreCOPS”.
Aside from my book, you can find my name elsewhere at bookstores and on newsstands right now:
In the October 2006 issue of NICKELODEON Magazine, my “Vampire Nerds” gag cartoon (which I both wrote AND drew) is on page 32. Some of you may notice that Kyle Baker wrote and illustrated “The X’s” comic strip on pages30-31. And my colleague Karen Sneider wrote and drew the “It’s Laundry Day” gag to the left of mine on page 32.
And one of the first pieces I ever wrote for MAD, “New ‘Rock & Rap Inspired’ Ben & Jerry’s Flavors” has just been reprinted on page 96 of MAD Classics #10, on newsstands now! That piece can also be seen on https://www.ariekaplan.com/mad.htm
In addition, my X-Men spoof “Are You Just Growing Up…Or Are You A Mutant?” is in MAD Kids #4, on page 10 in the Brain Drool section.
Last but not least, the latest installment of “Dave Danger, Action Kid,” the episode titled “How to Stop A Golem!”is in the Fall 2006 issue of REFORM JUDAISM Magazine, on pages 8-9.
It’s illustrated (as always) by the amazing Leela Corman!
I was also recently interviewed about my book by the comics-themed Internet radio show Indie Spinner Rack (www.indiespinnerrack.com), and the interview should air some time in mid-November. I’ll keep you all posted as to the exact air date!
Meanwhile, check out the constantly evolving www.ariekaplan.com for news, updates, cartoons, info on new projects, and more!!
Thanks, and I hope you’re all doing well!