Earlier this year, I wrote the back-of-the-card copy for all of the cards in the Mandalorian: Journey of the Child trading card set, which was published by the Topps Company in April 2020. Writing the text for the Journey of the Child card set (aka the “Baby Yoda” card set), was a really fun experience, largely because I wrote it while re-watching the first season of The Mandalorian with my daughter, Aviya.
I talked about all of this with Greg McLaughlin when he interviewed me for Episode 76 of the Rebel Base Card podcast back in October. During the interview, we also talked about some of the comic books, children’s books, TV shows, and video games I’ve worked on during my career as writer. You can check out the Rebel Base Card interview HERE. 
(Just FYI, “Baby Yoda” is not really a baby version of Yoda; he’s just a baby who comes from the same species as Yoda. In the television series The Mandalorian, the title character simply referred to this adorable infant as “The Child,” until recently, when he learned that the Child’s real name was Grogu. But if you’re a Star Wars fan, you already knew that.)